Favorite Links:
Brene Brown-TED Talk: The Power of Vulnerability. A beautifully inspiring talk about what it means to be bravely human.
Brene Brown- TED Talk: Listening To Shame. Shame is that universal emotion that tells us we're unworthy of love or belonging. Brown talks about how shame works and how we can overcome its devastating effects.
Peter Levine-How Trauma Sticks In The Body. A short YouTube video on the importance of addressing the physical symptoms of trauma. It’s not all in your head!
Janine Fisher- Understanding Trauma and its Treatment. A brief overview of how trauma takes hold and what treatment modalities work.
Bellaruth Naperstak-Guided Meditations. Naperstak's soothing voice and an array of intentions to choose from (relaxation, sleep, anxiety, anger, and pain to name a few) make this series a great way to begin developing your own mindfulness practice.
Progressive Relaxation Training- a 15 minute exercise to reduce muscle tension. A great alternative for those who have found traditional meditation challenging.
Tara Brach-New To Meditation Series There’s no one style of meditation that is “best” or fits all people. Brach offers some basic practices that you can explore to see which serve you well.
Dan Siegal-Hand Model of The Brain. A simple explanation of how we can begin to change our brain's response to stress.
John Glanvill-Understanding OCD An animated video on OCD as a symptom of anxiety.
Weighted Pillows.
I often incorporate the use of weighted pillows in my practice. I had a basket of them in my office and encouraged clients to “try them out” People like them. They have reported feeling calmer, more relaxed with the added weight. The experience would often lead to more conversation and a growing curiosity of how it all works. I love this part of the work…engaging curiosity. Did you know that curiosity is a antidote for anxiety? Ask me about how a weighted pillow might benefit you.
Coloring Pages:
Rythmic and relaxing, these no-stress coloring mandalas can be used to quiet the mind and ease the body. Colored pencils, crayons, markers- choose your favorite. Enjoy!